Thursday, January 2, 2014

Roman Catholic's Gods

When the Pope, Roman Catholic priests and Vatican's papal nuncio envoys talked about God, are they referring to the real God?  

This question is in relation to the Christmas mass of Vatican's papal nuncio envoy to the Philippines, Guiseppe Pinto, saying to Yolanda survivors that "God is with us". 

If the survivors are not deceived enough, they might notice that the "God" that is being referred to by Mr. Pinto are the "Holy Father" in Vatican City and the alleged "holy" cross.

Concerning the alleged "holy" cross-during masses and other Roman Catholic celebrations, how many times that attendees make the "sign of the cross"? Also, in Roman Catholic buildings where the masses are being celebrated, how many crosses are there?
Specifically, during the mass that was celebrated by Mr. Pinto, was the alleged "holy" cross absent? I am sure that the cross was present because Mr. Guinto uttered the words "God is with us". Mr. Pinto failed however to tell the attendees that the cross is also located in heaven.

Concerning the "Holy Father" in Vatican City, Mr. Pinto stressed the following:
"Our faith sustains us to look ahead and move forward. Early on, the Holy Father, Pope Francis, showed his closeness for survivors of Typhoon Yolanda, especially you, witnesses to catastrophe"

He added: "It is my privilege to bring to you the solidarity of Francis, you know how much he cares for you""Do not fear difficulty.

Do not fear adversity. ...Cooperate with you Archbishop. Assure me once again, the Church will never forget you, we will never forget you".
The God that is being referred to by Mr. Pinto is also Pope Francis when he declared him as the "Holy Father", which is different from the real heavenly Father. 

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